What Can Scala Learn from Rust?

about this session

John A. De Goes


6:20 pm

Scala has come a long way since 2005, the year of its first release. Nearly two decades after the hybrid programming language was born, the landscape around Scala has changed tremendously. Javascript monopolized the front-end and made astounding inroads into the backend. Python ate up analytics, ML, and AI. And a little language called Rust went from niche to officially endorsed by Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Linux.

In this world of endless evolution and devolution, many Scala developers remain excited to see the full impact that Scala 3 will have on commercial functional programming. In this talk, John A. De Goes, author of ZIO, will reflect on some of his recent experiences with the Rust programming language. John will argue that Rust got some things very wrong and some things very right, and somehow, Scala can learn both from the strengths and from the weaknesses of this very powerful programming language.

Come discover how the whole Scala ecosystem can accelerate adoption by following in the footsteps of Rust.

John A. De Goes
John A. De Goes

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